Saturday, July 21, 2012

green glass bottles

I woke up absurdly early this morning with what is known in our family as a bit of a "woozy" head. I hadn't been drinking. I'm blaming a combination of the tiredness from the week, female hormones and staying up way too late. Anyhow, it was a less than auspicious start to the day especially since I had an eyebrow wax appointment at 8:30. I rang and cancelled and then went back to sleep. When I woke up again I was fine although still tired. I made myself get up, eat breakfast, shower and go to meditation. I was supposed to go over to Saskia's (a lovely gift/homeware/coffee shop) with a friend and I really didn't feel like it. But I made myself do this too. Just as well, because we had a lovely chat, the best chai latte I have found in the Bundaberg region, and some yummy homemade pork and veal sausage rolls. Then I did some retail therapy. My favourite things are the green glass bottles. Really though, it was the chatting that did the trick!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Yes we all wear glasses

The first two weeks of July also happen to have been the first two weeks of the teaching term here. They have whipped by in a flurry of Moodling frustration, parts of speech, sentence structure, emails and discussion forum posts and replies. The only thing that kept me going last week was the knowledge that by Friday there would only be 10 weeks left in the term. What a dreadful attitude!

Still, there have been some highlights. One was the whirlwind trip to Brisbane last weekend to see Flight of the Conchords. It was a Davis sibling excursion to the Entertainment Centre. We had pretty good seats on the floor about 30 rows back. This meant we could actually see the Conchords without having to rely on the big screens. Pity the people at the back. Anyway, it was excellent and much better than the review of their Sydney show in The Australian might lead you to believe. Here we are before it started. We're smiling because we're happy to be there and we made it through giant traffic snarl to get there.

Yes we all wear glasses.  We're nerds.

My only disappointment was the gigantic crowd at the merchandise counter which meant we could not get anywhere near anything. That, and the delight of the hopelessly huge traffic jam that greeted us on the way out as well. Driving in Brisbane is less than lovely.

Anyway, here's one of my favourite songs that they didn't play. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

winter afternoon

This is what is wonderful about Queensland winters. Blue skies, cool air, no breeze. Perfect.