Monday, March 9, 2009

the naps and no shopping

The weekend disappeared in a puff of smoke. Saturday I spent at work with the External STEPS students in our area, running an orientation day and then Sunday afternoon was extra choir for the Queensland Eisteddfod at Easter. So, sadly there were no naps and no shopping (except for the bare essentials on Sunday morning). Our choir pieces are coming together quite well with still some time up our sleeve. I will probably sing in the madrigal section (because no accompaniment needed) and am singing alto part in the Small Vocal Ensemble. There's about 10 of us and we are singing this lovely setting of "Were you there?"


And in fact there are two members of our choir singing in this recording. Pity you can't see them (I'm not much for the images chosen here I have to say)...but it's very beautiful to listen to.

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