Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A watery tale: Bundaberg floods
Everyone in Bundaberg turned into a flood photographer today. There were traffic jams all through town. Everyone was carrying their digital camera or phone. At first it was a bit of fun. We squelched through the park down to the edge of the bank. We went to the river and marvelled at the current and height along with everybody else with nothing to do (which it seems is most of the population of Bundaberg). Then we drove over to East Bundaberg which is low lying and when we get a lot of rain, always floods and always has. This information is valid because my mother lived some of her young life in a house at East Bundaberg and remembers the 1954 floods. It was there, wandering about with my new camera, that I started to feel like an intruder, a voyeur, a gawker. People have had to leave their houses and will have lost everything. This is the sad tale of all natural disasters, but as they stood out on the footpath watching the trail of amateur photographers traipse by their homes, I was struck by their dreadful situation, and all those all over the state and elsewhere who are going to spend weeks and perhaps months, trying to get back to normal. Nevertheless, here are just a few pictures.

Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Countdown 24: Christmas Judy
My favourite Christmas song....as distinct from Christmas carols!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Countdown 23: Christmas Dancin'
Not the highest quality of videos but lots of fun! Thanks to Ellen on fb for sharing :-)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas Countdown 21: Christmas Britten
My favourite from Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols. That is all.
Except to say that this is one of the few pieces that after a live performance of it I was left blubbering for about 10 minutes. And I'm still not sure why. That's music for you.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Countdown 20: Christmas Sexsmith
I'm not sure why I didn't take any notice of this song when I watched this Rockwiz Christmas the first time round in 2007. Because I did watch it. Maybe it's that I'm not a huge Whitlams fan. (Yes I know...unAustralian of me...too bad). Anyhoo...while I was watching this on Sunday morning it appeared to be one of the most perfect Christmas songs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Countdown 19: Christmas Bottles
you can have all your fancy schmancy traditional Christmas songs and your celebrity pop star covers but what about the bottles?
Thank you Youtube for being so apparently random....
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Christmas Countdown 18: Christmas Me
I played this a year ago today. I just happened to click on it this morning so as a result it's now your Saturday December 18 Christmas Countdown. (And no, I'm not sure why I played the repeat either).
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Countdown 17: Christmas Rolf
This is sort of irresistible really isn't it?
Isn't it?.....
Perhaps it's just me with my memories of singing this in music class at West State School growing up in good old Bundaberg.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Countdown 16: Christmas Can-Can
Ok...yes...I am slightly addicted to these fine singing gentlemen now. But how could I not be? They're dancing the can-can!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas Countdown 15: Christmas chorus
Joyful, light, hopeful...it really bounces along...one of my favourite choruses from the Messiah
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Countdown 13: Christmas Ships
I do like this one a lot. It's all jaunty and it's about ships! What more could one ask of a Christmas song?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Countdown 12: Christmas Fairytale
I'm sure I've posted this before but too bad. Stompingly Christmassy.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Countdown 11: Christmas Chestnuts
This is lovely. I'm using it to pretend it's cold and wintery here.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Countdown 10: Christmas Gravy
This is an Australian classic song written about Christmas. I love it. That is all for Friday. Enjoy.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Christmas Countdown 9: Sussex Carol
There's something soothing about a nice traditional Christmas song on a Thursday afternoon. And harmony, always harmony.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Christmas Countdown 8: 12 days of Africa
thanks to Celia we are all going to all enjoy this today!
i love it :-)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Countdown 7: Beautiful River
We're going all a bit reflective and soulful today with our Christmas countdown.
Such a beautiful song....
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas Countdown 6: Gleeful Jingle Bells
It's a little Jingle Bells Glee style. Sadly, Glee has gone all ridiculous in its second season (if that is indeed what we are up to). Instead of being a drama/comedy/satire of life in high school USA - style with musical accompaniment, it is now a High School Musical, with storylines thin to the point of non-existent. The only interesting character left is Kurt. Anyway, I continue to watch it because the musical arrangements and choices are pretty amazing.
I may or may not buy this Christmas album. It's a toss-up between that and the Messiah. Oh wait...I already own the Messiah.
Decision made then.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas Countdown 5: Carol of the Bells
This is one of the very few albums of "popular" Christmas albums I own. Nice. Sweet. Pretty.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Christmas Countdown 4: remain seated...
This has been doing the rounds and what is Christmas without a little bit of the Messiah (even though technically it was written for Lent/Easter). And this is arguably the most famous bit, although not my favourite part. Anyway, this even gave me a few goosebumps on first watch (thanks Murray on FB) so I'm sharing with you on a very rainy Saturday in Bundaberg.
Oh...and I believe it was one of the King Georges who began the slightly weird tradition of standing during the Hallelujah chorus. You may remain seated at computer throughout if you wish.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Countdown 3: Tomorrow shall be my Dancing Day
This is one of my all time favourite traditional carols and who better to sing it than the choir from King's College Cambridge?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Christmas Countdown 2: War is Over.....?
I chose a modern classic for Day 2. Let it take you where it will.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Christmas Countdown 1: Deck the Halls
It is fair to say that I have not been the most diligent of bloggers lately, but with December arriving it is time to get up, get with the program, and get in the Christmas spirit. I intend to do this through song. If I can manage it, there will be one Christmas song a day on The Spiralling Shape from now until Christmas Eve. Who knows, maybe I will go kerr-azy and also post one on Christmas day. The rules are, genre is unrestricted - classical, pop, religious, secular - all Christmas songs are welcome on my blog. Well, that's really only one rule isn't. One is enough. We begin today with a favourite, one that I actually find myself humming all year round which is slightly strange, and here given the Pomplamoose treatment. For those of you unfamiliar with Pomplamoose, their "treatment" of songs is always outstanding. I think it is particularly appropriate for the first day of December. Let's all Deck the Halls, our loungerooms, our kitchens, our front doors and wherever else you would like to deck.
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