Saturday, April 28, 2012

I don't have to.....

It's the day before the annual Bundaberg music eisteddfod. For the last ten years I have spent the day running about like a nitwit, organising things, getting keys to venues, writing lists, checking rosters, buying paper clips and pens, preparing information for adjudicators, reading the program a zillion times, making a list of what I am going to wear every day for the next week and so on and so forth. This year I am not doing any of those things because I am no longer the coordinator for this event. I have no responsibilities except for preparing my few students, turning up and accompanying a couple of competitors. You know what? It's delightful! I'm actually looking forward to going to the Eisteddfod tomorrow and being able to leave when I'm finished without waiting for the session to finish. I don't have to liaise with adjudicators about their responsibilities. I don't have to decide when the morning or afternoon tea break will be. I don't have to arrive at the spooky dark theatre to open up for the evening session. I don't have to get home and worry that I left some of the millions of lights on in the aforementioned theatre or that I didn't put the alarm on as I left. I don't have to deal with parents of competitors who have a many a question, want to change something in the program, want to give me advice about what we should have done here, there or everywhere. I don't have spend two days ushering choirs on and off the stage and Civic Centre or setting up 50 stands and chairs for concert bands or orchestras according to the exacting requirements of the group's teacher. In fact, I don't have to do very much at all. This is just as well because I actually have no idea how I would manage to fit all that in around my job and my study this year. Don't get me wrong! It's a great event but I decided I had done my bit and I wanted to be able to focus on other things. Other people are now taking a turn. That's the way it should be I believe.


2paw said...

I think as long as you are enjoying responsibility, then it is fine but when it starts to become a drag then it is time to go. I now you will really enjoy your festival this year!!!

The Second Half said...

Wow, I'm exhausted just reading all the things you used to do! Definitely your turn to enjoy yourself and leave the cares to someone else.
Hope it is all fun and enjoyable.

Wendy said...

It's definitely been quieter for me this week. And I have had time to enjoy watching the performances without worrying about what I have to do next!