My walking buddies, otherwise known as my mother and father, were five minutes early this morning. At first, I cursed silently because I wasn't ready to roll, but then when I walked outside and saw the sky it made me happy. It was a beautiful chilly start to the day.
Lovely! I'm loving the Hipstamatic photos, though I haven't had time to comment much.
I'm also in awe of your ability to put on foot in front of the other that early in the morning. I'm never really awake until about 10 am.
Thanks! I'm actually a morning person really, so it's not too terrible even though when it's cold I'd like to stay in bed. I'm hopeless past about 5 in the afternoon. I envy people who are productive at night.
The hipstamatic is my favourite thing of 2010 so far I think :) Your photos are much more interesting than mine though. I just snap and hope for the best!
You get lovely light effects that I don't seem to manage, though. And you take excellent landscape shots: I don't ever seem to get the proportions right in my landscape photos: they never look good.
(The only reason mine look 'arty,' I think, is that I'm obsessed with close-ups. Close-ups = arty.)
I've been tired and sleeping in, but this morning at 10 am the puddles on the bush track were still frozen over: so I feel sleeping in is OK!!
I love your hippy pictures too, they remind me of my dad's first instamatic!!
Goodness 2paw you really have a proper winter down in Tassie...something we Queenslanders miss out on. It's 21 today in Bberg and we think we are freezing!
Catriona I am hopeless with closeups...not sure why so I envy your ability with them. I do worry that I am becoming slightly obsessed with clouds but they are so wonderful I think I'll let that slide :-)
2paw, aptly enough (Aptly! Oh, I kill myself), the Hipstamatic app is actually modelled on the idea of the old Instamatic: there's a rather sad and sweet story behind the development of the app, stemming back to the plan to develop a hip-pocket Instamatic in the 1980s.
I must say, I was taking pictures of the sunset the other day, and suddenly felt like I was back using a tiny little 1980s' camera, like the one my sister had.
aptly!!!! I love it.. :-)
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