Three days in Brisbane did a great deal towards my ongoing recovery. I stayed with the wonderful Anne and Matthew in Clayfield and was beautifully looked after with great food and conversation. Friday afternoon we went for a brief saunter round the shops at Toombul. Of course I found things to buy. I believe this to be one of my special talents. Anywhere I go I can find something to buy. This time it was two dresses (one of which was 5.95) some earrings half price at Sportsgirl and a lace kind of headband. I also bought three beautiful bunches of asparagus for 4 dollars which we had with our dinner on Saturday night.
Saturday we went out. Firstly, we drove over to the South Side to visit my book publisher. He is a lovely, intellectual man who is not very well but maintaining his enthusiasm for life, ideas, and beliefs. We drank tea and chatted for two hours. Then it was lunchtime so we drove to West End and treated ourselves at The Gunshop Cafe (I have the name correct now unlike my tweet at the time). My risotto was delicious. Then we wandered up and down the street. I spent some considerable time in the Avid Reader picking up things and putting them back again, but did find a book on Banksy on the bargain table at the front which seemed like too much of a cooincidence to ignore so I bought it. And then we ran into my musical friend Murray sitting outside The Forest, an unexpected treat. We chit chatted and Anne noticed some poor backpackers trying to buy mangoes at the fruit shop next door. (They were squeezing them instead of smelling them to see if they were ripe). After that we were growing weary and stopped briefly on the way home for a coffee somewhere I forget the name of.
By then it was time to get ready for the opera. Aida by Verdi at the Lyric Theatre. We were sitting four rows from the very back. It was Very Far Away. Still, we could read the surtitles and admire the staging in its completeness. Costumes and choreography were impressive. However, my taste in opera doesn't go far beyond Mozart comedies actually. Given that, the three hours passed quite quickly.
Sunday we made our way to GOMA for Valentino. This was supposed to happen way back in August but was delayed by my operation so I was really looking forward to it. The pug fashion parade on the lawn outside was a surprise in more ways than one, but the dresses were the real highlight. It was slightly, disappointing they had run out of exhibition catalogues. I bought some postcards and fridge magnets instead. As you do.

Then it was lunch and time for home. I am little weary today, having not walked that far in quite a while but all well worth it.