Once again I am breaking my own self-imposed ruling of "no cat pictures on the blog, facebook is the place for cat pictures" to bring you this hugely overweight bundle of grey cuddly cuteness. As well as squishing himself into this photocopier paper box which I left on the floor as part of my post-Eisteddfod mess, the cat has also begun a long term project of chewing the box to pieces. It does this by tearing at the edges whilst sitting in it. Sometimes one (and by one, I mean the cat) also takes a flying leap into the box from a vast distance, attacking the box as if one's very survival depended on conquering its all round cardboardy goodness. How can I possibly take the box and bin it now? It would break his little furry heart to have this game taken away.
And look...in the time it has taken me to write this post he's fallen asleep in the box.

Is cat. Is sleepy. Is box. Is good.
those cats are a strange breed. They find the most hilarious places to sleep. Maybe a new hobby of cat "doings" is on the cards.
yes his other favourite is hiding in the bottom of the lounge - from which he has torn the entire underneath covering off for easy cat access.
I've also been hiding two huge vases of flowers in my bedroom for the past week or so - in order that he doesn't eat them.
toooooo cuteeeee.
I am more aware of Cat behaviour now my friend has two. (She is one cat away from being a lady with too many cats!!) I buy them lovely thoughtful birthday presents, and they play with the box. Lovely cat in the box post!!! Obviously he needed a Box and a good lie down!!!
so far i have bought my cat a special cat scratching post/platform to sit on, a tunnel to run through, all manner of cat toys and a special cat bed. he chooses to ignore them all and sleep on lounges, beds, and destroy my lounge as his entertainment! (And he is once again in the box as i post this comment!)
he loves that box. Last night I tapped the box and he jumped in it.
i made the mistake of moving the box very slightly to the left this morning and was rewarded with a big cat-like glare!
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