This morning I tidied and dusted my desk. Here's what I can see while I sit at it. I dream of a spacious work area at home. I would love a separate office where I can spread out, have lots of filing cabinets, shelves with everything organised and in the one place. I long for enough power points and usb ports and good lighting. Instead, because I have chosen to turn one of my bedrooms into a piano teaching room I have a weird assortment of desk-type furniture which is constantly piled with a mixture of junk mail, work stuff, library study stuff and research stuff. There is an unpleasant spaghetti mess of cords and powerboards hidden between the two drawer filing cabinet and the little desk. I choose to ignore that for there's no keeping it tidy. My workspace consists of the aforementioned filing cabinet which is chock a block with cords, warranties for electrical equipment, adaptors, chargers, sticky tape, ribbon and wrapping paper and other sundries. On top of the filing cabinet is a printer which I bought in May and am yet to hook up to my computer (so I probably didn't need it after all). The filing cabinet is also home to my lamp, my external hard drive and my modem. On the desk proper is my laptop, more chargers that use the computer, a corkboard , two containers for pens and bits and pieces and usually whatever I am working on at any particular time. Next to the desk is an antique traymobile. It should be used for dainty afternoon teas, piled high with cakes and fine china. Unfortunately, its wheels are dodgy so any attempts to move it anywhere result in the need for a pitstop to reattach the wheels. I love it though and it functions well as storage for overflow of books and CDs on the bottom shelf, while the top shelf is used as an extension of desk space. It belonged to my great grandmother's cousin. I'm sure she never pictured it housing some intrays from Officeworks but there you go.

I have quite the supply of citrus fruit at the moment.

My intrays....

My VIP Leonard Cohen pass. I was not a VIP but I knew someone who was. Looks impressive though doesn't it?

My china cabinet complete with Royal Doulton tea and coffee sets, small collection of miniature genie lamps and brass tea pot and sugar pot.

Container of pens and other junk.

Pencil case, diary, current paper draft....

USB..yes I know it's only 1GB but it was free at a workshop I went to a few years ago and still going strong.
I have, what I call a Buck Rogers tea trolley. It has spiff 1930s styling and looks rockety. I agree totally about the spaghetti monster of cords and cables and things plugged in to other things at my computer desk and the table. I just do my best to ignore it too!! think I might see you reflected in your china cabinet!! Hope you are having a great week at home thus far!!
Yes that's me in the glass. The sun was in just the right spot. Looking forward to not going to work in the morning!!
A clean tidy desk is an inspiring thing! I hope you write happily at it. And no shame in a 1GB USB - I'm still using the trusty red 512 MB one I bought at the beginning of my PhD...
Impressive 512MB! Remember when we thought that was huge! Yes the tidy desk...We shall see how long it lasts :-)
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