Friday, April 3, 2009

the all seeing Ajay

What a BIG night it was on the Biggest Loser. Something happened that WOULD CHANGE THE GAME foretold by the all-seeing Ajay the previous evening. A letter (strangely not a BIG letter) arrived at the BIG door of the BIG house. It said that the contestants had a LITTLE amount of time to decide who would take the BIG WALK. After some BIG deliberation they chose Meghan. She had never taken the WALK before, so she was KEEN to do so. Also, she wanted to keep the ALLIANCE of Cameron, Sammy, Tiffany, Julie and herself STRONG. So they couldn't let Sharif do it. Because the person who took the walk was promised a lot of POWER.

Meghan arrived at the BIG urns filled with BIG flowers. Ajay VERY SLOWLY explained that she needed to choose between the urns. " ...vessels....One...of...them...contains...a..big...medal..thingy...that...says..." get the picture.I can't keep that up for much longer. (Plus, be aware that is not a direct quote. I'm not sure that medal thingy is what the medal thingies are called)

Anyhoo, after about five BIG ad breaks, Meghan arrived back at the BIG house to greet the contestants who were sitting on the BIG couch. She, herself sat on the BIG coffee table and revealed that she now had the BIG POWER to choose to eliminate one of the BIG MEN or to eliminate herself. A BIG moment of drama.

Andrew offered to go. And we all knew she wasn't getting rid of Cameron, even though he still has the most weight to lose so could be considered the BIGGEST THREAT.

Everyone walked VERY SLOWLY into the BIG GYM and lined up. After some ads for junk food (alternating uncomfortably with ads for Biggest loser brand shakes) Meghan revealed her BIG DECISION.

It's time to go...Sharif. No BIG surprise sadly. Everybody cried. Sharif gave Meghan a BIG awkward hug. And then we got to see him two months later, even thinner and still losing weight. Go Sharif! You were one of my favourites, after Bob of course.

(PS.Up on Survivor Loser Island the Commando had Bob and Nathan pull a BIG BOAT up the beach. They were BIG tired after that).

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