This is the last of the nasturtiums. They've gone rather ratty and stringy and I left them in as long as I could so the next lot of seeds would drop. But as of half an hour ago they have been ruthlessly ripped out and thrown into the bin. I dug all the seeds in (hundreds) so they will start to emerge again soon.

And one of the native irises I planted a couple of months ago has finally flowered.

This is what's next. It's petunia time, as well as alyssum and salvia for my two huge new terracotta pots. The lavender has replaced the nasturtiums already.
When I first read that title, I thought, "Aww, but I like nasturtiums."
Then my brain started working again.
"then my brain started working again" - phew! I'm glad...i always think of them as "nasties" from an old family friend who used to have a backyard covered in them every year...and always referred to them as "nasties"...even though they were beautiful and she loved them!
Do you eat your nasturtiums??
i did try them when i was very little and we had them growing at home..but can't quite bring myself to now...when i was at high school a friend's family owned the pennyroyal herb farm....they used to eat everything!!
You are certainly getting into the spring gardening. If you want any cuttings you should have a look around our yard.
that's a nice offer...I might just do that!
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