Here's some things about Jillian for regular readers of Spiralling Shape.
She's twelve years younger than me, which means my Mum was the same age I am now when she had her. When I was twelve I though my Mum was really, really old. Now I realise she was extremely youthful ;)
When Jillian was born we all had an input into her middle name. Mum was going for Frances. My brother and I thought this was completely awful. After much Davis-style family joking about calling her Jillian Lillian, we all agreed on Kate. But the Lillian also stuck, so often we call her Jillian Lillian or Jilly Lilly. She also like Jilly or Jillo.
She loves TV like I do. Favourite shows are The Simpsons, Neighbours, Seinfeld (no doubt due to her sister's fine influence),Lost and many many others.
She loves chocolate, McDonalds, chips, shapes, Bundaberg Ginger Beer and all manner of sugary, junk foods.
When she was about 2 she had a cute yet annoying habit of plonking herself in the middle of the newspaper if you had it spread out on the floor reading it. She also use to terrorise our cat at the time by lying on the floor when it was under the lounge and pretending to burp at it by saying "urp". We all thought that was cute too and remind her of it frequently.
She's a great sister (even if like me she's a little bit cranky pants sometimes. But hey aren't we all?).
And we have the same love of T-Shirts as evidenced by this photo where we unknowingly ordered the same shirt from Threadless last year.
(This may be the one and only time I post a picture of myself on the blog. The things I will do to wish my little sister a Happy Birthday.)
PS. Jillian you are not getting Guitar Hero for your birthday. However, on the upside, you are not getting a lump of coal either.
Happy Birthday Jillian. Do you get a lump of coal on your birthday if you have behaved badly, as well as Christmas???
so far the lump of coal has only ever been threatened..never actualised...but it's always a possibility...birthday, Christmas...Easter!
We think it's hilarious don't we Jill?
Don't we???
Thankyou for the birthday wishes. No dont think its hilarious Wendy GRRR LOL.
One day I will actually bother to get a lump of that will really be hilarious!
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