Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boiled Egg : Domestic Goddess Take 2

For those of you concerned about my ability to successfully boil an egg, remove it from the stove, and then place it in the fridge overnight, so it's ready in all its eggy goodness to be added to my big salad, let me put your minds at rest.

I am right now (as I post) in the midst of this complicated kitchen operation which should be completed at 17:30 hours. The salad is already made and in the fridge alongside one of my Rolf Harris instructed serves of fruit (watermelon and blueberries). All that is left is for me to take said egg, (once it's finished boiling) place it on a saucer and put it in the fridge. Easy. I'm sure even Nigella could manage that. Although please note, I am not wearing a fitting twin set cardigan thing that flatters my surprisingly curvy figure. Neither have I long wavy dark tresses. I am not, and I stress this most of all, looking sultry while a television camera, somewhat strangely is watching me boil the egg in my trendy kitchen.

I guess that's another domestic goddess fail moment for me.


2paw said...

What, no risqué comments, innuendo laden, about the smooth ovoid shape of the egg, or any slow suggestive rolling of said egg in your hands?? For shame!!
Good luck with your lunch!!!

Wendy said...

nope. I just boiled the egg, drained the saucepan and put the egg in the fridge.

all very straightforward.