Monday, February 16, 2009

Watch, Listen and Singalong: Part 11: Friday on my mind

No explanation required.

Put your stripey suit on and bop through Monday with the help of The Easybeats.

Going to work now. Might do some dancing if things get trying.


Anonymous said...

I've always loved this song!! So simple, but so fun! And a great little guitar sound. Isn't the dancing entertaining!!! Even dance-challenged me could dance like that!!

Some semi-random trivia. This is the song they tried to use (I'm pretty sure) when they tried to introduce a NZ version of Hey Hey It's Saturday. It was on a Friday night (hence the song), but was a total flop. It just didn't have the same manic humour as Hey Hey... I liked it for the theme music... :)

Wendy said...

yes the opening guitar is it was called Hey hey it's friday? Doesn't have quite the same ring to it really? Did they have dickie knee and ozzie ostrich as well? that seems strange....good nz Tv trivia though!

Anonymous said...

Not called Hey Hey at all. Can't really remember - maybe it was something like Friday Live... not sure. No Ozzie (well it would have to be Kiwi, wouldn't it?!!), vaguely recall some kind of Dickie Knee copy and an imitation of Red who was just nasty, and not at all clever, which kind of defeats the purpose...

Wendy said...

hmmm... sounds very bad! almost as bad as american kath and kim