Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flying too close to the sun

Driving into town for coffee today I was reminded that there are many advantages to living in a regional town - but parking spaces in the cbd isn't one of them. It's crazy trying to get a park at lunchtime. Immediately I entered the main street I sailed on by a 1 hour park as stupidly I thought I could hold out for a prime 2 hour space. On my third lap around the block I observed that I had "flown too close to the sun", admitted defeat and had to settle for one of the ridiculous new 30minute parks. (it's my belief these are specifically designed to generate revenue in fines). I commented on this very fact to my friend in the car with me. I think she thought I was a little nutty. Hailing as she does from the land of the free and the home of the brave, (or is that the land of the brave and the home of the free?) she nicely inquired as to whether this curious turn of phrase was an Australianism she had not yet encountered.
I have no idea...I don't think I've ever said it before...but it just seemed an apt description for the thwarted ambition of trying to find a prime park in the neverending quest for the perfect coffee.

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